Friday, February 20, 2009

Our Mission

LÚMINE Films is an independent film company founded with an objective to establish a greater understanding and appreciation for the art and ingenuity of film-making. LÚMINE Films strives to bring the message of faith, hope, and love to all, in order to awaken the hearts and minds of our viewers, urging them to seek the meaning and purpose of their life.

In our modern-day society, media plays a major role in forming the culture in which man lives, and therefore a tremendous responsibility has been placed on the shoulders of those in the industry to ensure that all forms of media that is disseminated to the masses is “at the service of the common good” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2494). As many of us can recall in the past decade, more harm than good has been done through film-entertainment by films produced in some of the most renowned Hollywood studio lots, and under the support of some of the leading film companies in the industry. Therefore, it is the mission of LÚMINE Films to salvage the true meaning of art in film-entertainment, and further elevate it to its most ideal purpose, which is to “[draw] man to adoration, to prayer, and to the love of God” (CCC, 2502). There is no further purpose to art – and any art for that matter – than to render to God what He has graciously given to man out of His pure benevolence.

LÚMINE Films strives to produce content that addresses some of the real-world issues that plague society and are contrary to the dignity of the human person. LÚMINE Films wishes to engage the current culture and challenge our audience to seek out the true meaning and purpose of life. Through this challenge we hope to elevate the minds of the average movie-goer, and increase their expectations of Hollywood, which today finds value entertainment in advocating gratuitous violence, sex, and drug paraphernalia. We do not commit ourselves to any particular genre of movie, therefore you can expect anything.

There is nothing more precious to man than his God-given gift of reason, and his ability to do something remarkable with it.

Onward, for the world is watching!

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